Service design of VR environments for Metaverse scale-up

VR environment design

At a glance

Our team was hired to assist in the investigation and enhancement of the web experience for individuals utilising the Mesmerise VR Gatherings platform. Our responsibilities encompassed comprehensive research, UX/UI design, frontend development and product management of web tools for external users. We also focused on creating efficient internal administration tools that allowed event attendees to seamlessly access virtual reality and interact with others in the metaverse.

Project type
Project length
2 years
Mesmerise - Gatherings

The challenge

Addressing the project challenges required proactive planning and a flexible approach to changing circumstances.


Understanding the landscape

Alignment with the client's organisational culture, effective communication and management of expectations are key priorities at the start of a client relationship.

These challenges were addressed using proactive leadership and a willingness to adapt. We harnessed the strengths of both internal and external teams, overcame challenges and achieved successful project outcomes.


Getting first time users into Virtual Reality

For users, the complexity of multiple touchpoints, lack of prior VR experience and a sudden shift from real world to virtual had the potential to be overwhelming and time consuming.

These challenges can impact the overall user experience and require careful consideration during the onboarding process. The goal was to ensure new users felt supported during this process, therefore workshops were carried out to understand the pain points during this journey.


Creating scalable solutions

With many different products in the Mesmerise ecosystem being developed at the same time, agility, speed and flexibility were important factors to ensure scalable solutions.

An effective strategy was required to design and build efficient tools that allows us to roll with changes. We made sure we were designing for growth, as we knew the product was continuously developing.

The Full Clarity Team

Our cross-functional team worked closely with Mesmerise’s CPO, product management team and the internal engineering team to collaborate on feature development.

Jon Hewines
Technical Director

Jon set the technical strategy for the project, ensuring the delivered solutions were secure, robust and scalable. He worked with the team to ensure the design and development outputs were of the highest standard.

Tim Court
Delivery Lead

Tim worked closely with the client's product team to prioritise and refine user stories to meet our Definition of Ready. He also served as our Scrum Master, running our agile sprints and unblocking the team where needed.

John Bromley
UX Manager

As UX Manager, John collaborated with the product team to get a deep understanding of the user needs and business requirements behind each feature, overseeing the creation of all UX/UI outputs.

Stu Slack
UI Design Lead

Stu executed our strategy to add more visual appeal to the project, exploring ways to evolve the UI that we inherited through the creative use of imagery, while staying faithful to the client's brand guidelines.

Rose Kelly
UX Designer

Rose was responsible for translating user stories and requirements into intuitive wireframes and elegant UI. She helped develop the Product Design System which was used across the ecosystem of products.

Jim Taylor
Full Stack Developer

Jim was the first developer on the project and handled the migration from .NET to Vue.js. He then built out key features, working closely with the design team to create screens to pixel-perfection.

Lewis Wright
Full Stack Developer

Lewis was instrumental in setting up a monorepo to share components between multiple applications and our storybook instance, and handled our devops requirements.

Conor Holgate
Frontend Developer

Conor was responsible for creating frontend components and layouts, creating a fantastic user experience. He also helped ensure good unit test coverage of our applications.


To enable us to move quickly and pivot as needed, we focused on building tools such as a Product Design System and a complementary Vue.js component library


Operating within a fast-paced and innovative environment, we leveraged our expertise, processes, and toolkit to devise a tailored approach that seamlessly integrated with the existing business structure. As a fully embedded team, our role encompassed UX consultancy, design, and front-end development, ensuring a comprehensive solution.

Our consultancy role working with Mesmerise consisted of working closely with the client to guide them to success. We played a pivotal role in providing valuable expertise, insights, and support throughout the client’s journey. Our focus was on industry trends, user needs, and business objectives, to align the decision-making processes and offering recommendations. This collaborative approach involved establishing a strong partnership built on open communication, mutual trust, and shared goals.

Throughout our time working with Mesmerise we offered strategic insights, best practices, and innovative ideas to address challenges and seize opportunities. On top of this, we actively engaged in collaborative problem-solving with the client to provide optimal user experience. Our work was iterative by monitoring progress, analysing outcomes, and providing continuous feedback to optimise strategies and initiatives.

5 star icon
Mesmerise kindly left Full Clarity's work a five-star review on Clutch
News icon
The project has been featured in major publications including the Financial Times
Repeat icon
Mesmerise extended our contract multiple times before moving all operations to the USA

Thanks to Full Clarity, the web applications were successfully delivered. The team was responsive, addressed issues quickly, delivered high-quality UX designs and met our timeline requirements. Their members were highly independent and didn’t need much handholding.

Chris Rayner CPO, Mesmerise
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Speak directly with our founders Ed and Jon about how we can help you on your Innovation or Transformation project.
Ed & Jon

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Cheyenne House
West Street
Farnham, Surrey

Cheyenne House
West Street
Farnham, Surrey

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