Thinking long term

We know from experience that allocating a sensible amount of time and budget upfront for proper UX and technical planning can save a lot of money and stress in the long run.

Care to an exceptional level

To really thrive in a competitive marketplace, you need strong attention to detail across every part of your product. There are no shortcuts to quality.

The successful development of a product hinges on building in enough time for research, understanding the landscape, gathering user feedback, and developing a technical roadmap. We take meticulous care over all decisions to ensure your product excels and stands out from its competitors.

Minimum viable product

While the highest quality work is something we always strive for, we try to hold that tension alongside the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) methodology where we aim to release something lean that demonstrates immediate value to users and stakeholders.

We guide our clients with regard to grouping together similar and related functions to help them plan the correct order of functional releases for the specific user case.

User-centred methodology

It goes without saying that everyone wants to develop a product that users actually love using. Listening to real people to hear the struggles they have and the problems they need to overcome is vital to the success of a product.

We dive deep to understand who users are, their needs and goals, and then use our expertise and knowledge to innovate and design solutions to solve these problems and deliver a best-in-class experience.


Creating strong foundations

It’s really important to take a step back and do some upfront planning work before any design or development work is started.

During our discovery and planning phases we conduct a series of exercises which essentially inform our immediate as well as longer term recommendations. These foundational elements are critical to identify early on as they form the basis of everything that comes later.

Moments of delight

If giving users what they need when they need it is your core requirement, then providing your users with moments of delight is key to them having a great experience using your product.

Delight can come in the form of a useful tip, humour or a beautifully designed interaction. Designing for those moments will emotionally engage users and help create traction and stickiness.

Agile and flexible

We work with our clients to define a high level product roadmap broken down into Epics, which then feeds into a series of shorter 1-2 week sprints of work where we aim to deliver value with each piece of work.

We understand the nature of software projects needing to pivot as requirements change, and we work with our clients to set up processes which allow us to make changes without extensive work required to re-scope projects.

Curated clients

We take on a limited number of projects and clients at any one time and this allows us to give each client and project exactly what it needs – focus, time and dedication.

We’re not about churning out high volumes of work. We take pride in what we do and always strive for the highest quality, best in class solutions working within the parameters of the user, business, and technical requirements identified.

Create. Partner. Collaborate

Ideas are far from linear. Sometimes we reach a solution quickly, on other occasions it can take a while. As a team of experienced UX designers and developers, we can spearhead, support or polish your product at any stage of the process.

We have a small core team of senior and mid level experience in-house, and bring in experienced contractors from our network where needed. Our typical clients are SMEs in need of specialist UX and technical product design expertise.

Book a virtual coffee

Speak directly with our founders Ed and Jon about how we can help you on your Innovation or Transformation project.

Ed & Jon

Contact details

Find us

Cheyenne House
West Street
Farnham, Surrey

Cheyenne House
West Street
Farnham, Surrey

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