Below are the standard terms and conditions of Full Clarity Ltd, whose registered address is Cheyenne House, West Street, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7EQ | Registered number: 11425302 | VAT number: 298800363. All content on this site is Copyright (c) since 2018 Full Clarity Ltd.
General terms and conditions:
The information contained in this website has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing general information about Full Clarity Ltd, partners and services offered. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, it does not constitute any form of advice, recommendation, representation, endorsement or arrangement by Full Clarity Ltd.
These terms apply worldwide for any work, service or product of Full Clarity Ltd and the information presented is believed to be reliable but is subject to change at any time without notice. Full Clarity Ltd do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. By accessing this website you agree that Full Clarity Ltd will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of the information and material contained in this website or from your access of other material on the internet via web links from this site.
Costs, time and quality are all inter-linked, if there is more emphasis/pressure from the client on one or more of these elements then there will be a knock on effect on the other elements.
As a service based company we have no choice but to cover the time we spend working on your website or application in order to remain financially healthy and stable.
All project fees whether fixed price, an estimate, or on Time and Materials contracts are calculated according to the estimated time required for the various tasks discussed with the client or based on workshops, meetings, briefs or other documentation provided. Based on our experience we provide as accurate an estimate as we can, however we do recommend all clients adhere to our best practise process to properly understand, define and spec projects as this will result in more accurate pricing.
Before working on a project or with a client Full Clarity has no-way of knowing the exact amount of time needed to deliver the job to the clients expectations. There are many factors which could be unforeseen and therefore Full Clarity reserves the right to adjust costs and charge for additional time needed on all work regardless of the project is a fixed price, an estimate or Time and materials.
If any of the following change or require more time than estimated during the course of the project we reserve the right to fairly charge for our additional time accordingly;
- Complexity of tasks
- Size of project
- Novelty or uniqueness of request
- Number of meetings
- Rounds of feedback/amends
- Reviews of work
- Scope increase
- Difficulty of work
- Functionality increase
- Feature increase
- Testing criteria
- Additional breakpoints not specified
- Number of pages
- Urgency of delivery
- Project importance
- Stakeholder team
- Specialist knowledge or expertise required
- Volume of work
- Delivery timeframes
- Value of the project
- Mis-communications/interpretations
- Anything not clearly specified, defined or included in the Statement of Work.
The actual time spent working on the projects (including but not limited to phone/video calls, meetings, writing code, configuring and hosting, designs, number of amends, rounds of feedback, research, reading or drafting documents, preparing for or attending meetings).
On a Time and Materials project a cost tracking spreadsheet will be updated weekly and provided to the client. For fixed price projects where Full Clarity deems the time may require more than the allowance accounted for in the costs, a spreadsheet detailing the additional time will be shared with the client and the client will have full access to see any additions being added to the total costs. The client may ask Full Clarity to provide details of any time spent and the costs incurred at any time.The minimum unit of chargeable time is 15 minutes.
Our estimates and proposals are valid for 30 days if not specifically stated otherwise.
Full Clarity is under no obligation to accept new work requests from a client.
Details of our current hourly/daily rate card can be provided upon request.
If an active yet uncompleted project gets paused or cancelled, or there is no progress or communication from the client for a period of 30 days, Full Clarity reserves the right to charge proportionally for the time spent to date irrespective of any agreed milestones. If the project resumes the remaining invoice milestones will be adjusted accordingly.
If the client fails to pay any of their invoices, then Full Clarity reserves the right to turn the client’s website/application off or withhold assets until the appropriate payment has been received.
Timing Considerations
By working with Full Clarity Ltd, the client understands Full Clarity has other work in progress and other clients we are working with who also have demands and deadlines. However we will always do our best to meet the timeframes of client deadlines where agreed specifically in a Statement of Work. Once we have your approval to progress with your projects, then we can then book the work in and schedule the key project milestones.
Client Feedback & Sign off
We expect all feedback on points the client would like to change to be structured feedback using suitable tools such as Figma, Invision, or Bugherd or similar (and not piecemeal via multiple emails for example)
When we receive feedback we expect that all stakeholders on the project are united in comments provided back to Full Clarity. If we keep changing things this could incur additional fees.
Development comments which are not elements shown in the SoW or Designs are considered scope changes and could incur additional fees at the discretion of Full Clarity Ltd.
Throughout the project we are working to the general assumption that there will be a reasonable number and rounds of amends relative to the size of the project. If a client requests an unreasonable amount of amends typical of similar sized projects with other clients, we reserve the right to highlight this to the client and request additional costs to cover our time to make the changes.
In addition we then also offer a 30 day grace period after the website or application goes live too to fix any bugs that are found. Any bugs found after this grace period will be down to the discretion of Full Clarity as to whether to charge or not.
At each stage of the project, Full Clarity will ask the client to sign off on work completed. Any further changes requested to work which has been signed off will be subject to additional charges at Full Clarity’s discretion.
QA and Testing
We strongly recommend an appropriate amount of time is allowed for QA and testing. If this figure is cut down or not allowed for, or squeezed out due to tight client deadlines, and the website or application is put live then please be aware that there could be unforeseen errors that may cause the website or application to unexpectedly malfunction or behave in unexpected ways. Unless otherwise specified QA and testing will focus on modern browsers (not including IE11).
Working on the web it is inevitable that there will be some bugs which we can’t foresee. Even lots of the largest tech firms in the world with an army of hundreds of developers still don’t manage to get all aspects of their software or website completely perfect and bug free.
QA and testing is a never ending job, there are always things to check. Full Clarity Ltd will agree with the client a reasonable amount of QA and testing and anything requested or required beyond this is down to the discretion of Full Clarity Ltd. Should the client want further testing either Automated testing, Manual testing, or User testing we can provide this as an additional service.
Data and content
It is the client’s responsibility to source and upload/populate all the content into the website/product/application and to check over the content to make sure it is uploaded correctly.
If there is an existing website/application with data, it is the clients responsibility to handle the migration of the data unless otherwise specified. Full Clarity Ltd is able to help with data and/or content migration at an additional cost.
In instances where there is sample content in the design to show how things would look but the designer has not covered all instances, it is the client’s responsibility to check the sample content provided in the designs will meet their ongoing needs for all pages/instances.
It is the clients responsibility to ensure that all content on the website or application (including but not limited to images, videos, fonts, illustrations, icons and all text based content) is fully licensed for the appropriate use.
In development we will always try to match the designs exactly but please note things such as the font rendering, drop shadows, exact colours, transparency effects, icon sizes supplied designs may differ slightly when viewing the coded version in the browser due to the limitations of the browsers. There may also be differences across different browsers and devices.
Domains and hosting
It is the responsibility of the client to purchase any required domain names and manage the pointing of the domain to the new site. We can assist with this but will be chargeable at our standard hourly rate.
For redirecting URLs from an existing site to a new site, if the client/partner provides a list of URLs of key pages from the old site and what they should map to on the new site, then we can apply these redirects at an additional cost.
Full Clarity Ltd does not buy, register or own domain names or email accounts on behalf of client/partners. We recommend that the client purchases and owns their own domain name, in so doing retaining full control over the domain name. We can recommend 3rd party suppliers that are dedicated to email accounts and support.
It is the clients responsibility to pay for their own hosting unless otherwise agreed. Full Clarity can make recommendations for appropriate hosting on a chargeable basis. Alternatively Full Clarity can host the clients website or application for an agreed monthly fee.
Unless agreed in a Service Level Agreement (SLA), the client will be responsible for their own backups both during development and post go-live.
As best practise we backup our code using source control software, however in unforeseen circumstances such as a server crash, it is possible that other assets such as database content could be lost.
If content is lost during development it is not the responsibility of Full Clarity Ltd unless otherwise agreed in a Service Level Agreement. Further information about what Full Clarity can offer as an SLA and the monthly costs associated can be provided on request.
Security & updates
Unless there is a Service Level Agreement in place, Full Clarity Ltd are not responsible for the security of the client’s website or application both during development or post go-live. Additionally any software or plugin updates it is the clients responsibility to apply these unless specifically agreed as part of a monthly Service Level Agreement.
Full Clarity Ltd are not responsible for any errors which occur as a result of a client applying software updates.
If clients would like to discuss a suitable level of security or allowance for monthly updates please contact us to discuss your requirements and we can prepare a monthly SLA.
Unless otherwise agreed in an SLA, it is the clients responsibility to monitor the uptime of the website or application.
Hours of work
Our standard working hours are Monday to Friday 9am-5:30pm, and technical support requests made within these hours are subject to our standard terms and conditions and hourly rate, however if you need additional work completing or support outside of these hours then our costs could be subject to increased rates. Details of our current hourly/daily rate card can be provided upon request.
Ongoing maintenance
Unless otherwise agreed in an SLA, Full Clarity Ltd are not responsible for any problems in the website or application which are a result of external factors such as changes to third party APIs, plugins, security updates, browsers updates, hardware updates, server or web technology changes, operating system updates.
Ongoing performance
Unless otherwise agreed in an SLA, Full Clarity Ltd are not responsible for the ongoing performance or success of any website or application designed or built including but not limited to search engine optimization, tracking of Analytics and performance, speed, sales once the website or application is live following approval by the client.
Unless otherwise specified in the SLA, Full Clarity is not responsible for the website or application being fully compliant and accessible for all users.
Full Clarity has the right to display any work we create in our website’s portfolio unless otherwise specifically stated by the client.
Legal compliance
It is the clients responsibility to ensure the website or application is covered by adequate Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies, as well as cookie consent and GDPR compliance.
Intellectual property
All programming and database code, software systems, databases, technologies, designs, and other work developed by Full Clarity Ltd is copyright, and the Intellectual property of Full Clarity Limited unless otherwise specified and paid for in full.
By using Full Clarity products and/or services, you agree not to attempt to replicate, copy or redistribute these products and/or services. Any attempt to do so will be considered an illegal act and we will seek full punishment by law. We reserve the right to re-use and re-develop any of the designs and / or code we write or ideas we develop in our database and software systems, workshops, websites, applications, products and code.
For any further clarification of these terms and conditions please email us [email protected] or call us on +44 (0) 1252 268 164. Further specific terms will apply and these will be agreed with each client on a case by case basis, there could also be further contractual terms added.
Speak directly with our founders Ed and Jon about how we can help you on your Innovation or Transformation project.